Training and Regulatory Compliance
IFS develops customized training for loan officers, loan operations personnel, and management at no cost to our partner lenders.
Our lender training modules ensure your lending team understands how to identify and source government-guaranteed loan opportunities.
Our loan operations and management training modules cover the operational details of program administration. Although we handle the heavy lifting for our partners, loan program responsibility cannot be delegated by contract through the SBA or USDA loan programs. Therefore, it is important that your staff has a fundamental understanding of program guidelines and a firm grasp of the support services provided by IFS.
SBA Credit Policy
IFS can assist with developing custom policies and procedures that are compliant with SBA requirements. We can also provide an SBA Credit Policy template which serves as an addendum to your conventional credit policy manual.
Loan Portfolio Reviews
IFS will review existing SBA and USDA loan portfolios based on agreed-upon procedures to ensure areas of credit risk exposure are identified. Proactively quantifying deficiencies can help correct problems before it’s too late and prevent future problems from occurring. If you have an existing portfolio that requires an independent review to identify areas of credit risk exposure, we can help. Or if you are purchasing a bank with an existing SBA or USDA portfolio, we can complete a review to ensure the assumed risk is appropriately quantified.
Get Started
Find out how to outsource your government lending department to highly qualified banking consultants.
(610) 228-4654